According to the latest research released by home moving company,, almost half of home movers move less than 10 miles away from their current property.
The data came from analysis of over 18,000 home removal jobs and shows that 48% of property moves are less than 10 miles from their current home with just over a quarter of moves (27%) less than 5 miles. 62% of all moves are less than 20 miles with 57% less than 15 miles. The data also gave interesting insight into those moving bigger distances with moves over 20 miles at 38% and 50 miles at 25%.
Finding a new home is difficult no matter how far you are moving, especially with the current slow-down in the housing market. Home sellers are finding it increasingly difficult to find buyers and in some pockets of the UK, prices are starting to fall. With Brexit on the horizon, who knows what is in store during 2019!
A fresh start elsewhere in the country or abroad could be for a new job, university or you’re selling up to head to the coast to enjoy your retirement. But larger relocations of over 100 miles make up just 17% of movers in 2018 according to
Angus Elphinstone, CEO of, had this to say: “Our vast database of home mover data highlights the majority of movers don’t fly too far from the nest. Nearly half of all movers in the UK move under ten miles with a quarter moving less than just 5 miles. It’s easy to know why as once you are set in an area that you know and love, it can be very daunting to think about moving too far away. For most, you spend years living in the same home and making nearby friends.
For those with school-aged children, it can be hugely difficult to move too far away as finding an available school place is not always that easy. However, for some, it can be tempting for a small move of just a couple of miles to get into the catchment for a better school.”