Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner. We might not get the record-breaking temperatures of last year, but with 48% of us citing summer as the season we spend the most time in our gardens, it's time for some top tips to help us get the most out of our outdoor space.
Outdoor building manufacturer, Tiger Sheds, offer their top tips to help your garden flourish throughout June, July and August:
June - Priorities: lawn, weeding, harvesting vegetables, top up building paintwork
June is the official start of summer and with that, it’s time to take advantage of the longer days and stay on top of your garden maintenance. Why not spend some time cleaning out your shed to maximise space and make the most of the sunshine to top up any paintwork while the weather is warm.
The warm weather may be a blessing for your garden, but all that quick growth means your lawn will need weekly haircuts, and your weeds will need regular weeding to stop the greenery from getting out of control.
Now is also a great time to harvest vegetables such as broccoli, peas and early potatoes, and start sowing carrots so they will be ready for autumn/winter time.
July - Priorities: watering, trimming, hedges, weatherproofing
With the sun shining it’s important to give your plants a much-needed drink. To encourage growth and flowering throughout the warmer months, monitor the soil for dryness and keep your plants hydrated.
British summers often mean unpredictable weather which can be tough on your garden buildings. Make sure to treat your shed with preserver to prolong the life of your outdoor building and keep an eye on any leaks which could cause serious damage.
Now birds have finished nesting, use July to spend some time trimming your hedges to get your garden looking neat again.
August - Priorities: deadheading, building maintenance
Summer is now in full force which means many of your plants will have flowered by August. Keep on top of deadheading to ensure your plants not only look tidy but will be able to focus their energy on their remaining flowers.
As the nights start to get cooler towards the end of August, close the ventilators and doors of your greenhouse to keep in the day’s warmth. When it comes to other garden buildings, keep an eye out for birds or any other wildlife that may have visited your shed or outhouse as they may need help to find their way back out again.
And it doesn't stop there. The experts at Tiger Sheds have created a 12 month gardening calendar to help you get the most from your green space for the entire year.
The calendar, which can be downloaded to sync with your Google calendar, includes handy tips on how to care for your garden month-by-month so you can enjoy your outdoor space all year round.
Sam Jenkinson, Head of Marketing at Tiger Sheds, said: “Our previous research has highlighted that we’re a nation who loves to make the most of our gardens in the summer, but we tend to forget about them in the winter.
That’s why we’re proud to present our gardening calendar so people can get stuck into their gardens while the weather is brighter, and follow our tips right through into the colder months, to keep their garden in tip-top condition all year round. We hope this will allow homeowners to truly make the most of their outdoor space